No Pay Offer for HSC Workers

Dear Member

Regional Trade Union Colleagues met with the Department of Health and the Permanent Secretary for Northern Ireland yesterday evening. Scandalously at this stage, no pay offer has been presented for Northern Ireland Health Workers.

In fact the Permanent Secretary has stated that at this juncture there is no monies for a NI pay offer.

It is over a week since the offer has been made in England and yet again HSC staff in NI are being ignored.

NIPSA is determined that our members will not be used as collateral damage or be held hostage for the absence of an Executive. An image reinforced by the shameful failure of the Secretary of State to meet with Trade Unions despite numerous requests.

Therefore NIPSA, as will our sister TU’s, will have no option but to proceed with industrial action on 31st March and 3rd April, to prevent HSC workers once again being left behind.

On Friday 31st March NIPSA is instructing members to withdraw the use of personal cars for Trust business.

On 3rd of April strike action will take place, for four hours 9am to 1pm… further details to follow.

It is imperative that members show their rejection of any attempt to make them second class workers in the NHS. NIPSA members are urged to follow the above instruction and engage in strike action as it sends a clear message to the Employer, to the Tories, to our absent Executive, to the Health Minister and to the Secretary of State that NI Health workers will not be left behind.

NIPSA is determined to secure a decent pay increase on your behalf but WE NEED YOU to make it happen.

We will update members re. details of strike action and any developments that may occur over the coming days.

The remedy to avert this action lies with the Secretary of State engaging with the trade unions representing Health and Social Care staff and addressing key trade union demands