NIPSA (Northern Ireland Public Service Alliance) is the largest public sector trade union, covering civil and public service employers in Northern Ireland as well as employers in the Community and
Voluntary Sector. We have a large and growing membership across Health & Social Care employers
including the 5 HSC Trusts, Health and Social Care Board, NISCC, NIGAL, NI Blood Transfusion Service etc. Agency Workers can also join NIPSA, through a standing order form – go to the Join Us section for further information.
Our membership across the HSC Sector includes staff of all grades including Social Care Workers,
Admin & Clerical, Social Workers and Nursing staff etc.
NIPSA offers a wide range of services to its members. As a NIPSA member you will enjoy a great
range of benefits, including:
- Personal Representation: Access to advice, information and personal representation. Whether you are experiencing difficulties at work in a grievance or disciplinary matter, feel overloaded, or believe you are being discriminated against, we are there to help you.
- Collective Negotiation: NIPSA is viewed across the public sector as a formidable negotiator for improved pay and conditions.
- Job Security: NIPSA campaigns for permanent contracts, career progression, adequate
- staffing and resources.
- Professional Support: NIPSA provides you with a forum to raise professional issues, voice your concerns and influence decisions that affect your job.
- Health and Safety Protection: NIPSA promotes good health and safety practices in your workplace.
- Legal Advice and Assistance: Free legal assistance – NIPSA members won around £750,000 in compensation.
- Other Membership Services: Memberhship Plus, latest discounts and offers and Financial Services.